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  • The organizers take two cattle sheds at the arse-end of Cow Palace and decorate them as Victorian London.

    Yatima » 2007 » November 2007

  • The organizers take two cattle sheds at the arse-end of Cow Palace and decorate them as Victorian London.

    are we from the past? 2007

  • That's one reason I stopped going to the San Francisco market, over by the Cow Palace.

    Leave a Message for Willie Muller, Marcia 1984

  • "It's a tragedy and it's a tragedy associated with our facility and there's nothing we want less than to have anything like that happen here," said Joe Barkett, the chief executive officer of the Cow Palace.

    Newsvine - Get Smarter Here 2010

  • "It's a tragedy and it's a tragedy associated with our facility and there's nothing we want less than to have anything like that happen here," said Joe Barkett, the chief executive officer of the Cow Palace. - Local News 2010

  • The Cow Palace, with its arching facade, sits across a boulevard from a tucked-away neighborhood, dotted with single-family homes and a housing project. - Local News 2010

  • The Cow Palace, with its arching facade, sits across a boulevard from a tucked-away neighborhood, dotted with single-family homes and a housing project.

    Newsvine - Get Smarter Here 2010

  • The Cow Palace, with its arching facade, sits across a boulevard from a tucked-away neighborhood, dotted with single-family homes and a housing project.

    Home - 2010

  • "It's a tragedy and it's a tragedy associated with our facility and there's nothing we want less than to have anything like that happen here," said Joe Barkett, the chief executive officer of the Cow Palace.

    Home - 2010

  • Auditions for the eighth season of 'American Idol' will kick off in the Bay Area with the selection process beginning on Thursday, July 17, at the Cow Palace before moving on to try outs in seven other cities. - Local News 2009


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